opening hours

Last admission to the round of golf is 5:30 p.m.
If all golfers are already back, the course and the café close at around 5:30 p.m.

Last admission to the round of golf is 4:30 p.m.
If all golfers are already back, the course and the café will close at around 4:30 p.m.

*Ausgenommen Ostermontag 01.04.2024, Pfingstmontag 20.05.2023

Depending on the weather conditions, we reserve the right to leave the facility and the café closed or to close them earlier.

Wir wünschen euch wundervolle Feiertage und einen fröhlichen Start ins neue Jahr 2025! Nach unserer Winterpause sind wir ab Ostern wieder für euch da und freuen uns schon sehr darauf, gemeinsam in die 6. Saison zu starten.

Bis bald und alles Liebe!

Adventure Golf prices

Entry to the golf course is only possible with an entry ticket, all other guests are welcome to relax on the terrace with a delicious coffee or a cold drink.

Adventure golf

Adults from 16

Children from 4



Family card

(family from one household) 

2 adults
1 child

every additional child



11 card






costs per hour


Golf Course_9
Adventure_Golf course

Golf tour

Take a look at our parkour, with our great tracks from the Sauerland.

Request for large groups

If you have a question for us or are planning a group trip or excursion, then write us a message here and we will get back to you. You can also simply call us and we will advise you personally, you can reach us within our opening hours.

Adventure Golf Winterberg logo

Adventure Golf Winterberg